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Ombudsman's Activities | 22.06.2017

Ombudsman Dr. Ljubinko Mitrović received representatives of UNICEF

Prof. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, ombudsmanProf. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, ombudsman

Ombudsman Dr. Ljubinko Mitrović and Assistant Ombudsman Aleksandar Marin-Diklić received the representatives of UNICEF, Maria Tokić and Mirzu Puzić at the headquarters of the Ombudsman institution in Banja Luka today.

The meeting primarily focused on continuing cooperation in relation to activities related to the "Analysis of the situation in the institutions where the juveniles are in conflict with the law". In this regard, the participants of the meeting jointly noted that it is necessary to visit these institutions again by the end of 2017 in order to determine whether the recommendations of the Ombudsman are respected and to what extent.

In addition to expressed mutual willingness to cooperate in the continuation of the meeting, problems were discussed which, according to the Ombudsman's assessment, need to be taken measures that would lead to changes, such as the problem of adoption, alimony funds, provision of free legal aid in all proceedings involving children, changes Family laws in the entities, etc. Also, there were talk about problems in the field of child health care, that is, the need for education in schools throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to promote the rights of the child and institution of the Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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