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Ombudsman's Activities | 17.05.2022

Ombudsman Professor Ljubinko Mitrović talks to CoE representatives about freedom of expression and information in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prof. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, ombudsmanProf. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, ombudsman

On 17 May this year, Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Professor Ljubinko Mitrović, accompanied by Public Relations Advisor Violeta Romić, spoke with the members of the CoE Project Team, Project Manager Cesare Pite and Project Coordinator Anisia Mandro, about the project “Enhancing Institutional Capacities on Freedom of Expression and Information in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (EFex).

The project framework and activity plan were presented in the course of the meeting, after which the participants discussed all issues of relevance for its implementation, focusing on the IHROBiH role therein.

The meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere and information was exchanged, with expressed readiness to cooperate in the future through the implementation of the said project.

This is an activity of Ombudsman Professor Ljubinko Mitrović.

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