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Ombudsman's Activities | 10.01.2020

Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dr. Jasminka Džumhur meets with the Chief of the Novo Sarajevo Police Station

Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and HerzegovinaHuman Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dr. Jasminka Džumhur and her associates held a meeting with Ivica Buzuk, Chief of Novo Sarajevo Police Station, on 10 January 2020.

The meeting discussed the role of the police in the local community, with particular reference to the application of human rights standards in the day-to-day work of the police, and the question of the role of the police in the decision-making process on the use of extra-judicial benefits for convicted persons.

The meeting concluded that there was a high degree of consensus on the importance of proactive police action in the local community, which included holding regular meetings between representatives of the PA and municipal structures, as well as meetings with representatives of local communities.

The interlocutors expressed mutual readiness and agreed on modalities for future cooperation with the Ombudsman Institution in order to improve communication between the two institutions.

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