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Department for the Protection of the Rights of the Child

Visit to Secondary school for energetics (Sarajevo) Department for the Protection of the Rights of the ChildVisit to Secondary school for energetics (Sarajevo)

Department for Following the Rights of a Child shall:

  • Receive and register complaints for violations of rights and freedoms of children and act upon those complaints,
  • Receive the citizens who approach them seeking assistance in protection of the rights and freedoms of children,
  • Monitor that state of the rights and freedoms of children, issue reports on the rights and freedoms of children,
  • Duly report to Ombudsmen about problems noted in accomplishment and protection of human rights and freedoms of children,
  • Follow functioning of legislative, executive and judicial authorities relevant for realization of the rights if children and cooperate with other departments especially in cases when violations of children’s rights are related to violations of civil rights.

Department for Following the Rights of a Child shall pay special attention to:

  • Protecting the rights and freedoms of children, especially jeopardized categories refugees, displaced persons and socially vulnerable categories;
  • Affirming the rights and freedoms of children;
  • Analyzing key reasons for malfunctioning of the authority structures in making decisions concerning children;
  • Removing obstacles for consistent application of international conventions ratified by BiH, especially the Convention of Children’s Rights.

Head of Department/Assistant Ombudsman
Aleksandra Marin - Diklić

Expert Consultant
Andrea Čaluk

Expert Consultant
Hari Hamzić

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We are protecting rights of natural persons and legal entities in accordance with the Constitution of BiH and international human rights instruments...
Ombudsmen of BiH

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Ombudsmeni dr. Jasminka Džumhur i dr. Nevenko Vranješ u Strazburu na konferenciji o govoru mržnje

Ombudsmenke na prijemu u rezidenciji belgijske ambasade

Ombudsmenke učestvuju na ministarskoj konferenciji o pristupanju država Zapadnog Balkana Evropskoj uniji

Ombudsmenke na sjednici Predstavničkog doma Parlamenta Federacije BiH

Ombudsmenke na sjednici Odbora za unutrašnju politiku Vijeća ministara Bosne i Hercegovine

Ombudsmenke na sjednici Komisije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda Predstavničkog doma Parlamenta FBiH

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