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Department for the Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Department for the Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina receives complaints and ex officio initiates investigations in cases when violations and problems are found in realization of rights originating from the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the rights from the European Social Chapter, especially when it finds:

  • Any kind of discrimination based on race, skin color, gender, language, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, property state, birth or any other circumstance;
  • Violation of right to vacation, entertainment, reasonable limitation of work time, periodical paid absence as well as paid holidays;
  • Violation of rights that belong to every person related to establishing and membership in trade-unions;
  • Violation of right to special protection that employed women have in case of delivery;
  • Violation of right to fair conditions of work and right to safe and healthy labor conditions;
  • Violation of right to strike;
  • Violation of right to use service of social protection;
  • Violation of right to education, especially right to primary and secondary education;
  • Denying the right to participate in cultural life.

Department for the Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights of BiH shall inform competent organs and institutions as well as the public regarding economic, social and cultural rights.

Head of Department/Assistant Ombudsman

Expert Conslutant
Lejla Sadiković Bajramović

Expert Conslutant
Selma Jahić

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Fatima Aganbegović Fifić

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Miroslav Milovuk

Expert Conslutant
Maja Ćorić

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